Monday, August 2, 2010

Stimulate Your Motivation Factor

Ever have one of those days where it's hard to get yourself started? Where you just don't feel like doing what you know needs to be done? Well, hopefully, these simple steps might help to get you started in the right direction.

•Step 1

Start small. If you have a large task ahead of you that just seems impossible to get started, do a small part of it. Get your blood flowing and the energy level up. When you've finished that small job, you'll feel more ready to face the tougher one.

•Step 2

Visualize what needs to be done. Break the task down into smaller steps and take them one step at a time. Don't let the whole job stop you before you even start.

•Step 3

Know ahead of time that some things have to be done. No matter how hard they seem or how time-consuming, we all have jobs that have to be done. So wouldn't it just be easier just to get it started? Think how good you'll feel when that's done.

•Step 4

Finish what you start. No matter how hard it is, it will be even harder to go back to it later. You will be thankful you didn't put it off.

•Step 5

Failure at any given task isn't necessarily a reason to give up. Failure is simply a tool to learn. Success isn't possible without failure. Learn from it.

•Step 6

But remember your successes. You've done it before; you can certainly do it again. Know that the toughest jobs are the ones that bring the most satisfaction.

•Step 7

And always, ALWAYS, have a positive attitude. With a positive attitude, you CAN motivate yourself to do anything.

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